* Exe for search Fort-programs by tests using genetic methods in russian
* Exe for search Fort-programs by tests using genetic methods in english
* List of available test files (this file)

List of available test files

All tests in the one archive: tests.zip.

The test is represented by a text file of the form:

 #T SHIFTR_0 x,y ->  x*2^y  комментарий
  9   3   1536 
  4   3     48 
  2   7     28 
  3   3     24 
  6   5    320 
  2   5     20 
  7   5    640 

The first two characters #T are a sign of the test file, the next word is the recommended name of the program you are looking for. The rest of the line is a comment.

Each next line specifies a set of input and output integers parameters of the desired algorithm. Polynoms:

 SQUARE.tst             x             -> x*x
 SUMSQ2.tst             (x,y)         -> x^2+x^2
 SUMSQD.tst             (x1,y1,x2,y2) -> (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2

 pol1_1.tst             Linear: x -> 2*x + -3
 pol1_2.tst             Linear: x -> -3*x + 4
 pol1_3.tst             Linear: x -> 1*x + -1
 pol1_4.tst             Linear: x -> 2*x + -1
 pol2_1.tst             Quadratic: x -> 2*x^2 + 0*x + 0
 pol2_2.tst             Quadratic: x -> -3*x^2 + 1*x + 0
 pol2_3.tst             Quadratic: x -> 1*x^2 + -2*x + 1
 pol2_4.tst             Quadratic: x -> 4*x^2 + 3*x + 5
 pol2d_1.tst            Quadratic: x -> (1*x^2 + 1*x + -2)/2
 pol2d_2.tst            Quadratic: x -> (3*x^2 + 7*x + -1)/5
 pol2d_3.tst            Quadratic: x -> (2*x^2 + 5*x + -9)/3
 pol3_1.tst             Cubic: x -> 1*x^3 + 0*x^2 + 0*x + 1
 pol3_2.tst             Cubic: x -> -2*x^3 + 1*x^2 + 0*x + 3
 pol3_3.tst             Cubic: x -> 3*x^3 + 2*x^2 + -4*x + 1
 pol3_4.tst             Cubic: x -> 1*x^3 + -1*x^2 + 1*x + -1
 pol3_5.tst             Cubic: x -> 1*x^3 + 1*x^2 + -2*x + 2
 pol3d_1.tst            Cubic: x -> (1*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 0)/6
 pol3d_2.tst            Cubic: x -> (2*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 1*x + 3)/7
 pol3d_3.tst            Cubic: x -> (1*x^3 + 0*x^2 + -1*x + 4)/8
 pol3d_4.tst            Cubic: x -> (2*x^3 + -1*x^2 + 3*x + -2)/6
 poly1.tst              Linear: (a,b,x) -> a*x + b
 poly2.tst              Quadratic: (a,b,c,x) -> a*x*x + b*x +c
 poly3.tst              Qubic: (a,b,c,d,x) -> a*x*x*x + b*x*x +c*x +d

 nguyen1.tst            x -> x^3+x^2+x
 nguyen2.tst            x -> x^4+x^3+x^2+x
 nguyen3.tst            x -> x^5 + x^4+x^3+x^2+x
 nguyen4.tst            x -> x^6 + x^5 + x^4+x^3+x^2+x

 discr.tst              (a,b,c) -> b*b - 4*a*c
Maximums (minimums) and sort:
 MAX2.tst               x,y ->  max(x,y)
 MAX3.tst               x,y,z ->  max(x,y,z)
 MIN2.tst               x,y ->  min(x,y)
 MIN3.tst               x,y,z ->  min(x,y,z)

 SORT2.tst              x,y ->  sorted
 SORT2R.tst             x,y ->  sorted revers
 SORT3.tst              x,y,z ->  sorted
 SORT3R.tst             x,y,z >  sorted revers
GCD, LCD, factorial, ...
 GCD_0.tst              x,y ->  GCD(x,y) simple
 GCD_1.tst              x,y ->  GCD(x,y) simple
 GCD.tst                x,y ->  GCD(x,y)
 LCM_0.tst              x,y ->  LCM(x,y) simple
 LCM_1.tst              x,y ->  LCM(x,y)
 LCM.tst                x,y ->  LCM(x,y)
 FACTORIAL_0.tst        x ->  x!              simple
 FACTORIAL.tst          x ->  x!
 ANK.tst                x,y ->  x!/y!
 BINOM.tst              x,y ->  binomial(x,y)
 BINOM_0.tst            x,y ->  binomial(x,y) small
Number theory
 DIVIDER.tst            x ->  min divider(x)
 DIVIDER_1.tst          x ->  min divider(x), x >2, x odd
 DIVIDER_2.tst          x ->  min divider(x)
 euclid.tst             (x,y)  ->  d u v, where d=gcd(x,y) and d = u*x + v*y
 Fibonacci.tst          n  ->  Fibonacci(n)
 jacobi.tst             (x,y)  ->  jacobi symobol(x, y)
 mod_ord.tst            (x,y)  ->  order(x) mod y
 mod_rev.tst            (x,y)  ->  1/x mod y
Decimal and binary digits
 digit0.tst             lower digit: (x) -> x % 10
 digit1.tst             (x) -> (x/10) % 10
 digit2.tst             (x) -> (x/100) % 10
 digit3.tst             (x) -> (x/1000) % 10
 digitH.tst             high digit(x)
 digitK.tst             (K, x) -> (x/10^K) % 10
 N_One.tst              number of binary units in x
 pow2.tst               2^x: (x) -> 2^x
 pow3.tst               3^x: (x) -> 3^x
 pow5.tst               5^x: (x) -> 5^x
 pow7.tst               7^x: (x) -> 7^x
 pow10.tst              10^x: (x) -> 10^x
 power.tst              x^y: (x,y) -> x^y
 SHIFTR_0.tst           x,y-> x*2^y
 log2.tst               log[2]: (x) -> log[2](x)
 log3.tst               log[3]: (x) -> log[3](x)
 log5.tst               log[5]: (x) -> log[5](x)
 log7.tst               log[7]: (x) -> log[7](x)
 sqrt.tst               square root: (x) -> sqrt(x)
 CLIP256.tst            smaller 0 we replace 0, greater than 255 by 255
 CNV_1251_866.tst       coding 1251->866
 CNV_866_1251.tst       coding 866->1251
 IS_DIGIT.tst           check for a digit
 IS_MID.tst             x,y,z : x <= y < z
 ABS.tst                x -> |x|
 carry.tst              carry of (x+y) mod 2^32
 ODD.tst                ?odd
 SIGN.tst               x -> sign(x)