Graphic Utilities


proposed program grUtil.exe designed for automation (for example, from bat-files) various graphic operations:

Source images can be bmp-24 or jpg format.

The output image is always bmp-24 format.

The program does not require installation, it works from the command line.

When running without parameters or with -h parameter, in the current directory files with the description readme.htm (eng) and readme_r.htm (rus) are created.

Examples of running:

: totxt3
grUtil.exe  totxt3    \00\lena.bmp lr.txt lg.txt lb.txt

: totxt3b
grUtil.exe  totxt3b   \00\lena.bmp lr.txt lg.txt lb.txt 100 100 10 9

: txt3bmp
grUtil.exe  txt3bmp    lr.txt lg.txt lb.txt le.bmp

: PColor
grUtil.exe  PColor   \00\lena.bmp 100 100

: PColorYUV
grUtil.exe  PColorYUV   D:\00\lena.bmp 100 100

: ToGray
grUtil.exe  ToGray   \00\lena.bmp gr.bmp

: 3Colors
grUtil.exe  3ColorsG   \00\lena.bmp r.bmp g.bmp b.bmp

: fromGray
grUtil.exe  fromGray   r.bmp g.bmp b.bmp le.bmp

: normalize
grUtil.exe  normalize  \00\lena.bmp lena2.bmp
grUtil.exe  min        \00\lena.bmp
grUtil.exe  max        \00\lena.bmp
grUtil.exe  min        lena2.bmp
grUtil.exe  max        lena2.bmp

: JoinH
grUtil.exe  JoinH   le.bmp le.bmp leH2.bmp

: JoinV
grUtil.exe  JoinV   le.bmp le.bmp leV2.bmp

grUtil.exe  PSNR    \00\lena.bmp T:\lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe  MSE     \00\lena.bmp T:\lena2.bmp 

: smooth 
grUtil.exe  smooth  \00\lena.bmp 2 lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe  MSE     \00\lena.bmp lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe  smoothT \00\lena.bmp 2 lena3.bmp 
grUtil.exe  MSE     \00\lena.bmp lena3.bmp 

: shift
grUtil.exe  shift   \00\lena.bmp 100 1  lena2.bmp 

: rot
grUtil.exe  rot   \00\lena.bmp 10 12.2 14.7 lena2.bmp 
: rot1
grUtil.exe  rot1  \00\lena.bmp 10 12.2 14.7 lena1.bmp 
grUtil.exe  MSE   lena1.bmp lena2.bmp 

: resize
grUtil.exe  resize   \00\lena.bmp 600 700 lena3.bmp 
grUtil.exe  resize1  \00\lena.bmp 600 700 lena1.bmp 
grUtil.exe  MSE      lena1.bmp lena3.bmp 

: border
grUtil.exe  border   \00\lena.bmp 17 lena17.bmp 

: multiple
grUtil.exe multiple  \00\lena.bmp 100 lena100.bmp 

: downsize
grUtil.exe downsize  \00\lena.bmp 2 lena2.bmp 

: spr_ell
grUtil.exe spr_ell  \00\lena.bmp  200 100 120 80 lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe spr_ellM \00\lena.bmp  lena3.bmp 
grUtil.exe spr_block  \00\lena.bmp  200 100 120 80 lena4.bmp 

: spr_put
grUtil.exe spr_ell  \00\lena.bmp  200 100 120 80 lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe spr_put  \00\100Photo\0010.bmp lena2.bmp 200 200 res.bmp
grUtil.exe spr_putR \00\100Photo\0010.bmp lena2.bmp 200 200 ret.bmp 1 1

: spr_putR
grUtil.exe spr_ellM  \00\lena.bmp  lena3.bmp 
grUtil.exe spr_putR \00\100Photo\0010.bmp lena3.bmp 0.4 700 300 30 ret.bmp

: make
grUtil.exe make 800 600 132 251 99 res.bmp
grUtil.exe makeL res.bmp 100 0.022 0.33 2007 0.0511 -0.612 79 0.0811 -0.0922

: fill_el
grUtil.exe fill_el  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 40 60  200 100 50  lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe fill_elO \00\lena.bmp 100 100 40 60  200 100 50  lena3.bmp 

: fill_block
grUtil.exe fill_block  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 40 60  200 100 50  lena2.bmp 
grUtil.exe fill_blockO \00\lena.bmp 100 100 40 60  200 100 50  lena3.bmp 

: fourier1
grUtil.exe fourier1  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 8 8  0 0
grUtil.exe fourier1  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 8 8  1 0
grUtil.exe fourier1  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 8 8  0 1
grUtil.exe fourier1  \00\lena.bmp 100 100 8 8  1 1

grUtil.exe fourier   \00\lena.bmp 100 100 8 8  fR.txt fG.txt fB.txt

: histogramm
grUtil.exe histogram  \00\lena.bmp hist.txt

: grad
grUtil.exe grad     \00\lena.bmp gr.bmp
grUtil.exe gradRGB  \00\lena.bmp gr3.bmp
grUtil.exe gradM     \00\lena.bmp grM.bmp
grUtil.exe hessRGB  \00\lena.bmp he3.bmp
grUtil.exe hess     \00\lena.bmp he4.bmp
grUtil.exe dxRGB  \00\lena.bmp dx.bmp
grUtil.exe dyRGB  \00\lena.bmp dy.bmp
grUtil.exe variat     \00\lena.bmp v.bmp
grUtil.exe variatRGB  \00\lena.bmp vRGB.bmp

: morph
grUtil.exe morphUp   \00\lena.bmp 1 morUp.bmp
grUtil.exe morphDn   \00\lena.bmp 1 morDn.bmp
grUtil.exe morphUpDn \00\lena.bmp 1 mor2.bmp
grUtil.exe morphDnUp \00\lena.bmp 1 mor3.bmp

: strip
grUtil.exe stripH  255 0 0 0 0 255 4 100 800 stripH.bmp
grUtil.exe stripV  0 255 0 0 0 255 4 100 800 stripV.bmp
grUtil.exe chess   0 255 0 128 128 255 4 200 200 chess.bmp

: show2C
grUtil.exe  totxt3    \00\lena.bmp lr.txt lg.txt lb.txt
grUtil.exe  show2C    lr.txt 10 110 800 800 255 0 128 1 res.bmp
grUtil.exe  show2L    lr.txt 20 120 800 800 255 0 128 1 resV.bmp

: bw
grUtil.exe  bw    \00\lena.bmp 144 bw.bmp
grUtil.exe  bwP   \00\lena.bmp 10  bwP.bmp
grUtil.exe histogram  bwP.bmp hist.txt

: bwS
grUtil.exe  bwS   \w\c2\grUtil\1\004.bmp 122  bws.bmp
grUtil.exe  bwSP  \w\c2\grUtil\1\004.bmp  89  bwsP.bmp
grUtil.exe morphUpDn bwsP.bmp 1 2.bmp
grUtil.exe  leveling \w\c2\grUtil\1\005.bmp  05.bmp

: palette
\w\c2\grUtil\Release\grUtil.exe  palette    \00\lena.bmp 4 256.bmp

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