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N.I.Yatskin photo

Nickolai I. Yatskin


Last update: 03 April 2017

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Ivanovo State University
Ermak street, 39, Ivanovo, Russia
+7 (4932) 30-02-42

Cirriculum Vitae


For freshmen and schoolers



Research Interests

Selected Publications (in Russian and partially in English)


Cirriculum Vitae

Birth; Voronezh region, Russia;

VSU (Google Earth, Constantin Silkin) 1966 - 1971
Voronezh State University (VSU);
Faculty (Department) of Mathematics;

VSFEI (Google Earth, boroda4)
1972 - 1975
Postgaduate Studies:
Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute (VFEI);
[now: Voronezh State Forestry Engineering University (VSFEU)]
Superviser: professor Selim G. Krein;

Ph. D. (VSU); thesis: "Linear Differential Equations on Manifolds";

1975 - 1981
VFEI; Department of Higher Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics; Assistant Professor;

ICEI (Google Earth, niiya) 1981 - 1989
Ivanovo Civil Engineering Institute;
[now: Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (ISPU)]
Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Computer Science];

IvSU (Google Earth, niiya)
1989 - 2016
Ivanovo State University (IvSU);
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science;
Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic; Assistant Professor;
Department of Geometry; Head of the Department;
Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic; Professor.

Teaching (IvSU)


Weyr Form Algebra; Linear Algebra and Geometry (1-2 semesters);
Modern Algebra (magistracy, 9-12 semesters);
Fundamental Algebra (1-3 semesters);
Computer Algebra (4 semester);

Helicoid Differential Geometry; Topology (3-4 semesters);
Modern Geometry (magistracy, 9-12 semesters).

For freshmen and schoolers

Computer Algebra, some of the topics, slides [in Russian].

Finite Fields FinFields

CAS (Computer Algebra Systems) CAS


Yatskin, N. I.
Algebra: Theorems and Algorithms.
Ivanovo: Publishing House "Ivanovo State University",
2006, 506 p.

Linear algebra
Yatskin, N. I. Linear Algebra: Theorems and Algorithms.
Ivanovo: Publishing House "Ivanovo State University",
2008, 607 p. (In Russian)

Jordan bases
Yatskin, N. I. Jordan (and partially jordan) bases
for linear operators over rationals.
Ivanovo: Publishing House "Ivanovo State University",
2010, 180 p. (In Russian)

Yatskin, N. I. Jordan and Weyr bases for linear operators over rationals. Jordan and Weyr bases
Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2012. 204 p. (In Russian)

Z[i] and other rings1

Z[i] and other rings2         Z[i] and other rings3
        Yatskin, N. I. Z[i] and other rings
        (calculations using Sage).
        Ivanovo: Publishing House "Ivanovo State University",
        2015, 86 p. (In Russian)

Computer algebra Yatskin, N. I. Computer algebra
(Laboratory practicum using Sage).
Moscow: Publishing House "University Book" ("Vuzovskaya kniga"),
2016, 94 p. (In Russian)

Graduates and graduate works (1995-2015):

        57 graduates, including
                8 masters of mathematics;
                40 specialists in mathematics;
                9 bachelors of mathematics.

Gribkova The list
of all graduates and their works (in Russian).

Goltsov Joint publications with IvSU students.

Research Interests:

Differential Geometry
General Topology
Topological Algebra


Abstract Algebra
Linear Algebra
Computer Algebra Systems

Science Workshops:

Seminar David I. Moldavanskii
Research Seminar on Group Theory.

Workshop notes

Moldavanskii, D; Yatskin, N. (editors) Residual Properties of Groups.
Workshop on Combinatorial Group Theory Notes.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , 2012. 296 p. (In Russian)
Residual Properties of Groups

Daniel One of the Seminar sessions
(photo report)

Selected Publications

LDE on manifolds 1980 Monograph

Linear Differential Equations on Manifolds.
Voronezh: Publishing House "Voronezh State University". 1980. 132 p.
(In Russian, co-authored with prof. Selim G. Krein.)

LDE on manifolds 2017 The 2nd edition
in connection with the centennial jubilee of Selim G. Krein
Moscow: Publishing House "Pero", 2017. 195 p. (In Russian)

Preface to the second edition.

(Russian, some English reprints)

1. Вопросы приводимости линейных дифференциальных уравнений
на многообразиях к специальному виду.
ДАН СССР. Т. 220, № 4, 1975. С. 792-794.

1a. Questions of reducibility to a special form of
linear differential equations on manifolds.
Soviet. Math. Docl. Vol. 16. No. 1, 1975. P. 167-170.

2. О периодических решениях линейных уравнений в дифференциальных формах.
Дифференц. уравнения. Т. 11. № 9, 1975. С. 1607-1619.

3. Линейные дифференциальные уравнения с постоянными коэффициентами
на многообразиях линейной связности.
Математич. заметки. Т. 19, № 5, 1976. С 773-782.

3a. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients
on arcwise-connected manifolds.
Mathematical Notes. Vol. 19. No. 5, 1976. P. 456-461.

4. Канонический формализм и его геометрическая интерпретация
в ковариантной теории классического электрона.
Известия вузов. Физика. 1976, № 6. С. 88-92.
(Co-authored with Abram G. Krylovetskii.)

4a. A canonical formalism and its geometric interpretation
in the covariant theory of the classical electron.
Russian Physics Journal. Vol. 19. No. 6, 1976. P. 757-760.
(Co-authored with Abram G. Krylovetskii.)

5. Теорема Ляпунова Флоке и аффинные отображения.
Украин. матем. журн. Т. 31. № 5, 1979. С. 694-696.

5a. The Lyapunov-Floquet theorem and affine transformations.
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 31. No. 5, 1979. P. 480-481.

6. Линейные дифференциальные уравнения на редуктивных однородных пространствах.
Известия вузов. Математика. 1986, № 3. С. 49-58.

6a. Linear differential equations on reductive homogeneous spaces.
Sov. Math. Vol. 30. No.3, 1986. P. 66-78.

7. Почти приводимость линейных дифференциальных уравнений на многообразиях.
Известия вузов. Математика. 1990, № 9, С. 81-85.

7a. Almost reducibility of linear differential equations on manifolds.
Sov. Math. Vol. 34. No.9, 1990. P. 102-107.

8. О локальных алгебрах Ли статики.
Известия вузов. Математика. 1991, № 10, С. 86-88.

8a. On local Lie algebras of statics.
Sov. Math. Vol. 35. No.10, 1991. P. 78-80.

9. Пратопологии и праравномерности. I.
"Дискретная непрерывность" и операторы празамыкания.
Научные труды ИвГУ. Математика. Вып. 4. Иваново, 2001. С. 123-134.

10. Пратопологии и праравномерности. II. Праравномерности и симметрики.
Научные труды ИвГУ. Математика. Вып. 5. Иваново, 2002. С. 101-106.

11. К постановке задач алгебраической статики.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Биол. Хим. Физ. Матем." 2003, Вып. 3. С. 141-148.

12. Описание словарных групп над некоторыми конечными группами.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Биол. Хим. Физ. Матем." 2005, Вып. 3. С. 96-101.

13. Дефект-метрика на множестве классов подобия квадратных матриц.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Естеств., обществ. науки" 2009, Вып. 2. С. 129-138.

14. К топологической трактовке аппроксимационных свойств групп,
связанных с вербальными подгруппами.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Естеств., обществ. науки" 2010, Вып. 2. С. 118–127.

15. Функторы подгрупповой топологизации групп.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Естеств., обществ. науки" 2014, Вып. 2. С. 108–123.

Papers co-authored with IvSU students

Гомотопические свойства конечных топологических пространств.
Научные труды ИвГУ. Математика. Вып. 1. Иваново, 1997. С. 135-141.
(Co-authored with Elena E. Fyodorova.)

17. Некоторые вопросы теории неабелевых когомологий де Рама.
Научные труды ИвГУ. Математика. Вып. 2. Иваново, 1999. С. 142-146.
(Co-authored with Irina V. Shevchenko.)

18. О некоторых конструкциях, связанных с полу-, пара- топологическими группами.
Математика и ее приложения. Журнал Иван. матем. о-ва.
Иваново: ИвГУ, 2004, № 1. С. 109-112.
(Co-authored with Elena S. Oleneva and Elena V. Pitertseva;
the authors are grateful to A. Golikov for the amendment (2014))

19. Классы групп и подгрупповые топологии.
Вестник ИвГУ. Сер. "Естеств., обществ. науки" 2011, Вып. 2. С. 115-128.
(Co-authored with Dmitrii V. Gol'tsov.)

In the Biographical Genre
(in Russian)

Sergey V. Pukhov (2002, 2012) Pukhov SV

David I. Moldavanskii (2010) Moldavanskii DI

Krein SG A young man, gray-haired, with radiant eyes…
(Selim G. Krein, 1917 – 1999)

(in Russian)

Uchyonye Zapiski 1941 Article about the article Uchyonye Zapiski 1958
(Some near mathematical reflections on the scientific fate
of the well-known paper by academician A. I. Mal'tsev
"On homomorphisms onto finite groups")
Maltsev AI


Trees Winter Trees

IvSU, Ten Buildings IvSU, Maltsev AI

Retro album Arnold VI, Manin YuI

(Voronezh, 1970s).

Angelus-Tenebrae Portraits of classics of mathematics
in the style of DeviantArt
by German mathematician and "deviant" artist,
known in the network under the nickname 'angelustenebrae'.