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Year 2015

S. E. Vaganov The lossless image compression algorithm with prediction

Lossless photorealistic image symmetric compression algorithm is proposed. It is based on the predictive encoding model, including dynamic construction of k-point approximating functions. For the algorithm compares the compression efficiency using today’s most popular lossless image encoding algorithms.

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E. V. Eremina Types of educational technology used in the implementation of the «Linear Algebra» course

In this article we consider some of the types of educational technologies, the use of which at the lessons of mathematics, in particular in the course of «Linear Algebra», will help to develop professional and other kinds of students’ competences. We give examples of use of certain types of educational technologies.

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L. N. Kuskovsky On a method of studying the generalized Cauchy – Riemann system

All the solutions are found in a convex 4-Euclidean space for a specific system of partial differential equations generalizing a well-known Cauchy – Riemann system.

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N. S. Savelicheva, E. V. Sokolov One necessary condition for the residual nilpotent approximation of a nilpotent group HNN-extension

Let G be an HNN-extension of a nilpotent group A with associated subgroups H and K, A \ne (H \cap K). We prove that if G is residually nilpotent then there exists a prime p such that H and K are p'-isolated in A.

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B. Ya. Solon Functional operators and reducible sets

The paper proposes to determine the reducibility of sets using different classes of functional partial computable operators in the sense of Rogers. It is proved that in this case appear as a well-known algorithmic reducibility of sets and new.

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S. I. Khashin Natural nubers with large Frobenius parameter

There are no Frobenius pseudoprime numbers (FPP) < 260 with the Frobenius parameter < 128. In this paper, we prove the absence of FPP numbers less than 260 with any Frobenius parameter.

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