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Year 2010

D. N. Azarov On the virtual residuality a finite p-groups of abelian groups

For abelian groups the necessary and sufficient condition to be virtually residually a finite p-group is obtained.

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A. S. Belov Unimprovability certain coefficient conditions for uniform convergence of trigonometrical series

Unimprovability obtained earlier sufficient conditions on coefficients of trigonometrical series for uniform convergence (boundedness) its partial sums is proved.

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M. Yu. Gaivoronskaya, Ye. V. Sokolov On the separability of cyclic subgroups in HNN-extensions of groups

Let G be an HNN-extension and let S be the family of all finitely separable cyclic subgroups of G. The criteria for a cyclic subgroup of G to be in S is obtained in the case when group G satisfies the well-known filtrational condition. Certain sufficient conditions of the maximality of S are found also which take place under various restrictions on group G.

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Yu. V. Gruzdeva, S. V. Puhov Pareto optimal solutions in convex vector optimization problems

The necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak Pareto-optimal solutions in the convex vector optimization problems are obtained.

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Ye. D. Loginova, D. I. Moldavanskii On the intersection of finite index subgroups in free products of groups with commuting subgroups

For any group that is a free product of two groups with commuting subgroups the description of the intersection of all finite index normal subgroups is found.

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D. I. Moldavanskii On the intersection of subgroups of finite p-index in Baumslag - Solitar groups

For any one-relator group from the family of Baumslag - Solitar groups the description of the intersection of all subgroups of finite p-index is given. As a corollary a new proof of the known criterion of residuality a finite p-group of Baumslag - Solitar groups is obtained.

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S. I. Khashin The estimation of quality of segmentation of the map

The method for finding a numerical estimation of quality of algorithm of segmentation of the map is offered. The algorithm is estimated by two numbers: the average size of a segment and the proportion of "incorrect" points. Assess the quality of segmentation for three various simple algorithms for the segmentation: on the squares, using Delaunay triangulation and through "crystallization".

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N. I. Yatskin On the topological interpretation of some residual group properties, associated with verbal subgroups

The concept of a group being verbally residually finite (with respect to some variety of groups) is introduced and investigated.

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