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Year 2018 |
S. E. Vaganov
Adaptive method for images zooming The adaptive linear interpolation formula for image upscaling was proposed. Also was produced the comparative analysis for proposed method with linear interpolation.
A. F. Vialov
Simplex algorithm and a fully degenerate problem For a problem of linear programming research the concept of a direction in n-dimensional space is entered. It is proved that completely degenerate problem has a sðåñial solution and plays an important role in the analysis of the general problem of linear programming. The degenerate problem is solved completely. Conclusions underline value of research completely degenerate problem.
V. D. Golubev, S. I. Khashin
Frobenius pseudoprime without big divisors It is proved that if the Frobenius method of primality test have an error on number n \equiv 3 (mod 4), then it necessarily has a prime divisor greater than 2707. Thus, we find one more fact that supports the hypothesis that there are no Frobenius pseudoprimes.
N. G. Kosarev, D. V. Turtin
On one solution’s estimate of system with minimal growth in parameter A sharp upper estimate of the solution of a system of the differential equations with complex parameter is obtained. This estimate makes possible to proof non-uniqueness solution the theorem of Cauchy problem for system of partial differential equations.
D. I. Moldavanskii
On the finite residuality of some one-relator groups It is proved that the group <a, t; t-1a-ktamt-1akt = am> is residually a finite \pi-group if and only if m and k are \pi-numbers.
J. A. Khashina
Representation biquadratic function as sum or difference of squares Each biquadratic function up to a constant term can be presented in the form of a sum or difference of not more than four squares of bilinear functions. There are biquadratic functions not representable up to a constant in term a sum or difference of less number of squares. |
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